HomeFeaturedBrazen Smash and Grab Burglary of New Aborn Liquors Caught on Camera

Brazen Smash and Grab Burglary of New Aborn Liquors Caught on Camera

Authorities believe this may not be an isolated incident, as multiple stores were targeted that morning. No arrests have been made.

Police are investigating a break-in at New Aborn Liquors in San Jose early Sunday morning, where suspects used a car and chain to gain entry.

Brazen Smash and Grab Burglary of New Aborn Liquors Caught on Camera. Credit New Aborn Liquors

Surveillance footage captured a group of individuals attaching a metal chain to both a vehicle and the New Aborn Liquors store’s front door. As they accelerated, the glass door was ripped away, allowing them to rush inside.

According to the owners, the suspects made off with a significant amount of high-end liquor.

Authorities believe this may not be an isolated incident, as multiple stores were targeted that morning. No arrests have been made, and the investigation remains ongoing.

If you know the names of these suspects, send us a tip at [email protected]

La policía investiga un allanamiento en New Aborn Liquors en San José la madrugada del domingo. Los sospechosos usaron un auto y una cadena para entrar.

Las imágenes de vigilancia captaron a un grupo de personas atando una cadena metálica tanto a un vehículo como a la puerta principal de New Aborn Liquors. Al acelerar, la puerta de vidrio se arrancó, lo que les permitió entrar a toda prisa.

Según los dueños, los sospechosos se llevaron una cantidad considerable de licor de alta calidad.

Las autoridades creen que este podría no ser un incidente aislado, ya que varias tiendas fueron atacadas esa mañana. No se han realizado arrestos y la investigación continúa.

Si conoce los nombres de estos sospechosos, envíenos una pista a [email protected]

Source: ABC7 News Bay Area

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