HomeFeaturedMalakhi Scott Weathers-Parker Wanted by For Alleged Assault by Louisville Metro...

Malakhi Scott Weathers-Parker Wanted by For Alleged Assault by Louisville Metro Police

Police say the alleged accomplice Seth Jones told them he felt disrespected because the victims said "say cheese."

Louisville Metro Police Department Press Release Re: Malakhi Scott Weathers-Parker

Malakhi Scott Weathers-Parker Wanted by For Alleged Assault. Credit LMPD

We have waited all day to “SAY CHEESE”

We would like to introduce you to 19-year-old Malakhi Scott Weathers-Parker. Our Eighth Division Detectives would like to talk to him. We are alleging that he and some of his friends thought it would be cool to be “cheese heads” and assault and strangle a patron outside of a popular east-end eatery on 3-8-25 during the evening hours.

Send us a confidential email if you know his whereabouts to [email protected]

#LMPD #OneMetroOneMission #EighthDivision #HelpUsFindHim #SayCheese #WeAreFetaUp #ThisIsSomeCottageCheese #NoGoudaForYou #CaughtOnCamera #DontBeBlueCheeseAboutThis #MuensterCheese #WhatIsYourFavoriteCheese #DontMakeMeSwissYou

Source: WHAS11

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