HomeFeaturedMichelle Y. Peters Arrested for Allegedly Poisoning Husbands Soda

Michelle Y. Peters Arrested for Allegedly Poisoning Husbands Soda

Deputies say that Michelle Y. Peters was arrested after being interviewed at the Sheriff’s Office and is being held in the Laclede County Detention Center with no bond.

Laclede County authorities accuse the woman of allegedly spiking her husband’s Mountain Dew with Roundup.

Michelle Y. Peters Arrested for Allegedly Poisoning Husbands Soda. Credit Laclede County Sheriff's Office

Laclede County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

Michelle Y. Peters, 47, of Lebanon has been charged with first-degree Domestic Assault and Armed Criminal Action. Peters is accused of secretly putting the chemical Roundup in her husband’s Mountain Dew on several occasions during May and June of this year. Then on Sunday, she spiked the drink with insecticide.

The victim began suspecting the soda was being tampered with after feeling ill. The victim provided video surveillance to the sheriff’s office, indicating that Michelle Peters was tampering with the Mountain Dew stored in a garage refrigerator. The victim was the only one in the household who drank Mountain Dew, kept in that refrigerator.

Peters was arrested after being interviewed at the Sheriff’s Office and is being held in the Laclede County Detention Center with no bond.

Las autoridades del condado de Laclede acusan a una mujer de supuestamente agregar Roundup al Mountain Dew de su marido.

Comunicado de prensa de la Oficina del Sheriff del condado de Laclede

Michelle Y. Peters, de 47 años, del Líbano, ha sido acusada de agresión doméstica y acción criminal armada en primer grado. Peters está acusada de poner en secreto el químico Roundup en el Mountain Dew de su marido en varias ocasiones durante mayo y junio de este año. Luego, el domingo, añadió insecticida a la bebida.

La víctima comenzó a sospechar que estaban manipulando el refresco después de sentirse mal. La víctima proporcionó videovigilancia a la oficina del sheriff, indicando que Michelle Peters fue manipulada con el Mountain Dew almacenado en el refrigerador de un garaje. La víctima era la única en la casa que bebía Mountain Dew, guardado en ese refrigerador.

Peters fue arrestado después de ser entrevistado en la Oficina del Sheriff y está detenido en el Centro de Detención del Condado de Laclede sin derecho a fianza.

Source: NBC News

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