HomeFeaturedYolanda Marodi Wanted by Marshals for Alleged Murder of Cal Fire Captain...

Yolanda Marodi Wanted by Marshals for Alleged Murder of Cal Fire Captain in SoCal

Marodi is believed to be driving a silver 2013 Chevrolet Equinox with California license plate "8BQJ420." She is traveling with a small white dog.

The San Diego County Sheriff’s Office and U.S. Marshals Service’s San Diego Fugitive Task Force want the public’s help in locating suspect Yolanda Marodi, who is wanted in the alleged murder of a woman in Ramona, California.

Yolanda Marodi Wanted by Marshals for Alleged Murder of Cal Fire Captain in SoCal. Credit SDSD and Cal Fire

54-year-old Yolanda Marodi, also known as Yolanda Olejniczak, is suspected of fatally stabbing her wife, 49-year-old Rebecca Marodi, at a home on Rancho Villa Road on February 17.

Olejniczak stands approximately 5’2″ tall, weighs 166 pounds and has brown eyes and brown hair. She has tattoos on both her upper right and left arms.

Olejniczak is believed to be driving a silver 2013 Chevrolet Equinox with California license plate “8BQJ420.” She is traveling with a small white dog.

At this time, Olejniczak’s whereabouts are not known. Out of an abundance of caution, the Sheriff’s Office has alerted authorities on both side of the border about this suspect.

Send us a confidential email if you know her whereabouts to [email protected]

La Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de San Diego, el Grupo de Trabajo contra Fugitivos de San Diego del Servicio de Alguaciles Federales y Crime Stoppers del Condado de San Diego quieren la ayuda del público para localizar a la sospechosa Yolanda Marodi, buscada por el presunto asesinato de una mujer en Ramona, California.

Yolanda Marodi de 54 años, también conocida como Yolanda Olejniczak, es sospechosa de apuñalar fatalmente a su esposa, Rebecca Marodi, de 49 años, en una casa en Rancho Villa Road el 17 de Febrero.

Olejniczak mide aproximadamente 5’2″, pesa 166 libras y tiene ojos marrones y cabello castaño. Tiene tatuajes en la parte superior de su brazo derecho e izquierdo.

Se cree que Olejniczak conduce una Chevrolet Equinox plateada del 2013 con matrícula de California “8BQJ420”. Viaja con un pequeño perro blanco.

En este momento, se desconoce el paradero de Olejniczak. Por precaución, la Oficina del Alguacil ha alertado a las autoridades de ambos lados de la frontera sobre este sospechoso.

Envíanos un correo electrónico confidencial si sabes su paradero a [email protected]

Source: KCAL News

Source: CBS 8 San Diego

Source: FOX 5 San Diego

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SourceKCAL News