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Emaciated Dog Tied to Tree, Officers Trying to Identify Person Who Abandoned Dog

Officers report that “Sadly, there has been a slew of unwanted dogs tied to trees and fences at or near HSHV this summer.

Humane Society of Huron Valley Press Release: HSHV Seeking Information on Emaciated Dog Tied to Tree

Ann Arbor, MI (August 15, 2024) – The Humane Society of Huron Valley (HSHV) is seeking any information regarding a Standard Poodle tied to a tree near the maintenance entrance of Saginaw Forest Park by the intersection of Liberty and Wagner in Lodi Township, on Sunday, August 11th. The dog was found and brought to HSHV by a Good Samaritan.

Emaciated Dog found in Michigan park. Credit HSHV

The pup, now named Cypress, is approximately 3 years old, and was severely emaciated and matted. (Picture 1: Dog before being medically groomed; Picture 2: After matted fur was removed.)

Anyone with information that could help in this investigation – e.g., who witnessed the dog being left or have information about the owners – is urged to contact HSHV at (734) 661-3512 or hshv.org/report. Reports can be made anonymously. All tips and leads received will be investigated.

“Despite being starved and neglected this dog is incredibly sweet and trusting. This kind of cruelty is heartbreaking and unacceptable,” said Tanya Hilgendorf, CEO of HSHV. “We are grateful to the Good Samaritan who rescued this dog and want to remind the public about help we can provide such as our free pet food pantry, Bountiful Bowls. There is never a reason to let an animal starve.”

“Sadly, there has been a slew of unwanted dogs tied to trees and fences at or near HSHV this summer. Though thankfully not in the same rough shape as Cypress. We ask pet families to please call our Intake Department. We are always full, but if you absolutely can’t care for or keep your animal and you live in Washtenaw County, we will find a way to help,” said Hilgendorf.

HSHV’s Cruelty and Rescue line is open 24 hours, 7 days/week, and animal cruelty investigations are funded solely through donations. For information on HSHV’s programs and services, including support for pet owners or how to surrender an animal, please visit hshv.org.


The Humane Society of Huron Valley (HSHV) has taken in a poodle that was found tied to a tree in a public park over the weekend and was severely emaciated.

The approximately 3-year-old dog, now named Cypress, was found severely emaciated and matted by a Good Samaritan on Sunday, Aug. 11.

According to the HSHV, Cypress was tied to a tree at the maintenance entrance of Saginaw Forest Park – near Liberty and Wagner in Lodi Township.

The person who found the dog brought Cypress to HSHV where the matted fur was removed an the stunning photos were taken.

Cypress, an approximately 3-year-old poodle, was found tied to a tree near a Washtenaw County park on Sunday, Aug. 11. This is what Cypress looked like when first found by a Good Samaritan
HSHV CEO Tanya Hilgendorf said they’re grateful for the person who spotted Cyrpess and said the dog is trusting – despite what happened to it.

“Despite being starved and neglected this dog is incredibly sweet and trusting. This kind of cruelty is heartbreaking and unacceptable,” said Hilgendorf. “We are grateful to the Good Samaritan who rescued this dog and want to remind the public about help we can provide such as our free pet food pantry, Bountiful Bowls. There is never a reason to let an animal starve.”

Hilgendorf said this isn’t the first time they’ve taken in unwanted dogs but said Cypress is one of the worst cases they’ve even this year.

“Sadly, there has been a slew of unwanted dogs tied to trees and fences at or near HSHV this summer. Though thankfully not in the same rough shape as Cypress. We ask pet families to please call our Intake Department. We are always full, but if you absolutely can’t care for or keep your animal and you live in Washtenaw County, we will find a way to help,” said Hilgendorf.

The HSHV is looking for details about who abandoned Cypress. They’re asking anyone who may have witnessed the dog being left or have information to contact them at (734) 661-3512 or hshv.org/report. All reports can be made anonymously.

Humane Society of Huron Valley Press Release: HSHV Seeking Information on Emaciated Dog Tied to Tree

Ann Arbor, MI (August 15, 2024) – The Humane Society of Huron Valley (HSHV) is seeking any information regarding a Standard Poodle tied to a tree near the maintenance entrance of Saginaw Forest Park by the intersection of Liberty and Wagner in Lodi Township, on Sunday, August 11th. The dog was found and brought to HSHV by a Good Samaritan.

The pup, now named Cypress, is approximately 3 years old, and was severely emaciated and matted. (Picture 1: Dog before being medically groomed; Picture 2: After matted fur was removed.)

Anyone with information that could help in this investigation – e.g., who witnessed the dog being left or have information about the owners – is urged to contact HSHV at (734) 661-3512 or hshv.org/report. Reports can be made anonymously. All tips and leads received will be investigated.

“Despite being starved and neglected this dog is incredibly sweet and trusting. This kind of cruelty is heartbreaking and unacceptable,” said Tanya Hilgendorf, CEO of HSHV. “We are grateful to the Good Samaritan who rescued this dog and want to remind the public about help we can provide such as our free pet food pantry, Bountiful Bowls. There is never a reason to let an animal starve.”

“Sadly, there has been a slew of unwanted dogs tied to trees and fences at or near HSHV this summer. Though thankfully not in the same rough shape as Cypress. We ask pet families to please call our Intake Department. We are always full, but if you absolutely can’t care for or keep your animal and you live in Washtenaw County, we will find a way to help,” said Hilgendorf.

HSHV’s Cruelty and Rescue line is open 24 hours, 7 days/week, and animal cruelty investigations are funded solely through donations. For information on HSHV’s programs and services, including support for pet owners or how to surrender an animal, please visit hshv.org.


Comunicado de prensa de la Humane Society of Huron Valley: HSHV busca información sobre un perro demacrado atado a un árbol

Ann Arbor, MI (15 de agosto de 2024) – La Humane Society of Huron Valley (HSHV) está buscando información sobre un caniche estándar atado a un árbol cerca de la entrada de mantenimiento del parque forestal Saginaw en la intersección de Liberty y Wagner en el municipio de Lodi. , el domingo 11 de agosto. El perro fue encontrado y llevado a HSHV por un buen samaritano.

El cachorro, ahora llamado Cypress, tiene aproximadamente 3 años y estaba muy demacrado y enmarañado. (Imagen 1: Perro antes de recibir el aseo médico; Imagen 2: Después de quitarle el pelaje enmarañado).

Cualquier persona que tenga información que pueda ayudar en esta investigación (por ejemplo, quién fue testigo de cómo dejaron al perro o tiene información sobre los dueños) debe comunicarse con HSHV al (734) 661-3512 o hshv.org/report. Las denuncias se pueden realizar de forma anónima. Se investigarán todas las sugerencias y pistas recibidas.

“A pesar de pasar hambre y ser abandonado, este perro es increíblemente dulce y confiado. Este tipo de crueldad es desgarradora e inaceptable”, afirmó Tanya Hilgendorf, directora ejecutiva de HSHV. “Estamos agradecidos con el Buen Samaritano que rescató a este perro y queremos recordarle al público la ayuda que podemos brindar, como nuestra despensa gratuita de alimentos para mascotas, Bountiful Bowls. Nunca hay una razón para dejar que un animal muera de hambre”.

“Lamentablemente, este verano ha habido una gran cantidad de perros no deseados atados a árboles y cercas en HSHV o cerca de él. Aunque afortunadamente no está en el mismo estado tosco que Cypress. Pedimos a las familias de mascotas que llamen a nuestro Departamento de Admisión. Siempre estamos llenos, pero si no puede cuidar o quedarse con su animal y vive en el condado de Washtenaw, encontraremos una manera de ayudarlo”, dijo Hilgendorf.

La línea de Crueldad y Rescate de HSHV está abierta las 24 horas, los siete días de la semana
días por semana, y las investigaciones sobre crueldad animal se financian únicamente mediante donaciones. Para obtener información sobre los programas y servicios de HSHV, incluido el apoyo a los dueños de mascotas o cómo entregar un animal, visite hshv.org.


Source: HSHV

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